LMV represents foreign and domestic businesses and individuals in general civil and commercial litigation and in dispute resolution matters (such as arbitration and mediation).
In the continental United States and Puerto Rico, LMV represents clients in federal and several state courts, as well as before federal and state administrative agencies, in general commercial
disputes, complex civil litigation, and government enforcement actions. We have attorneys admitted in multiple jurisdictions, including Washington, D.C., Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania,
Illinois and Puerto Rico.
For litigation arising in other U.S. jurisdictions, LMV partners with experienced local counsel in those jurisdictions to represent clients before the corresponding federal and state courts and
For our U.S.-based clients who become involved in cross-border litigation with foreign parties or government agencies, or in other disputes in foreign jurisdictions, we work with LMV’s network of
non-affiliated foreign counsel to help guide the client through the complexities and nuances of the foreign legal system and culture, to coordinate the representation of the client in the foreign
jurisdiction, and to ensure that the client’s needs and interests are properly represented.
LMV’s litigation practice is driven by a philosophy of cost-effective and high quality legal representation. LMV thoroughly investigates the claims, legal strategies and anticipated costs before
making any recommendation concerning the filing or defending of formal litigation. LMV assists the client to focus on these options before commencing or defending legal action because many
times claims and disputes can be resolved short of formal litigation at considerable cost and time savings.